The Author: Giorgio CECCHINATO
Biography Giorgio CECCHINATO, born in 1968, lives and works in Milano (Italy).
Graduated from Accademy of Fines Arts of Brera (Milano), he is a painter, illustrator and humorous graphic.
Since 1990 he shows his works in many collective and personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Since 1994 he participates in most important international contests of humour and satire; rewarded several times.
He realizes illustrations and covers book for various publishing houses.
In 1998 he publishes the book "Buon Natale?" (Todaro Editore, Switzerland)
Actually he collaborates with a lot of italian newpapers.
1994 - Special Prize, Umoristi a Marostica, Italy
1994 - 6th Prize, CAFAM, Bogotà, Colombia
1997 - Special Prize, Rassegna di satira, Dolo, Italy
1997 - Honorary Mention, Biennale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte, Tolentino, Italy
1998 - Special Prize, Satyrykon, Legnica, Poland
2000 - 1st Prize, CartooNet Festival, Fano, Italy